Programs and initiatives aimed


Our diverse range of services encompasses programs and initiatives dedicated to fostering science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and careers within underserved communities. Additionally, we offer tutorial and mentorship programs designed to support students as they navigate the path to college. Committed to community engagement, we also provide vital resources for job search and placement, along with guidance on effective parenting.

STEM education programs for K-12 students:

Non-profits can work with schools and community organizations to provide hands-on learning experiences, mentorship, and access to resources and technology to help students develop an interest in STEM fields.

Professional development workshops for educators

Workshops can help teachers build their STEM content knowledge and teaching skills so they can better engage and inspire their students.

Internships and job placement services

Non-profits can connect underrepresented groups with STEM employers, provide mentorship, and support the development of technical and professional skills through internships and job placements.

Outreach and advocacy

Non-profits can work to raise awareness about the importance of STEM education and careers, and advocate for policies and funding to support STEM initiatives for underrepresented communities.

Fundraising for the people
you care about

In the short term we will be:

  • NConducting STEM awareness campaigns
  • NTraining youth and adults to equip them with marketable STEM skills.
  • NProviding apprenticeships, job placement, counseling.
  • NHosting college fairs, job fairs and STEM forums
  • NCollaborating with STEM Entrepreneurs to encourage entrepreneurship.